Student Experience

Tianwei Zhao

Class of 2018

Undergradate Education

Renmin University of China
Finance, 2017

Interested Industry
Investment Banking
What I Love About Intramural Soccer

With the stereotype that soccer is not a major sport in the United States, I never expected that we could form an MMS United soccer team to play in the intramural league at Duke. We gathered players from the U.S., France, India, China, Japan, and Canada. What an international team! When we stood in a circle and shouted out “Go MMS!” before our games, I was truly touched by Fuqua’s team spirit.

Why I Chose MMS

As I got to know Fuqua during the application process, I was strongly attracted by its culture of diversity and ambition, as well as its supportive atmosphere. After admission, I was invited to the annual “Fuqua Around the World” event, where I met alumni from various industries. They talked about their experiences at Fuqua and offered career advice. I felt the warmth of the Fuqua community and decided to become a part of it.

Before MMS
I had an internship in the investment banking industry, where I realized that it was not enough to focus only on the financial knowledge needed to be a good banker. I needed a global view of business so that I could better understand clients and their industries. The MMS program has provided me with this general management background.
After MMS
I’m looking forward to a career in the investment banking industry. I believe that the aim of finance is not making profit by trading various derivatives, but enhancing the efficiency of the real economy to better serve human beings. I also hope to leverage my expertise to help enterprises raise funds to accelerate their development.

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